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"I have MANY author friends and we all help each other ..."

This is what I was told by successful novelist Ms. T when I posted a comment on her blog.   

Ms. T said I wasn't a friend and couldn't mention my book when commenting on a post about the plagiarism scandal.  

Here is my follow-up post attempting to explain myself: 

"A few weeks ago I knew nothing about the publishing industry. As I wrote, I gave out copies of my book on [the goodreads message board run by the plagiarizers]. I knew nothing about what was going of with the moderators [aka plagiarizers] but now I feel associated. I also feel concerned about to whom I sent copies of my novel. Someone who posts things on fan fiction sites? I do think it's ironic that readers are almost complaining about how my novel is unlike other NA novels they've read considering that it now seems that a half dozen of the popular NA novels were generated from other popular NA novels."

This was sincere.  Not contrived.  I posted my original comment within minutes of first hearing about the plagiarism. 

 Is it true that success as an author is all about who you know?  It is appropriate to talk down to and delete comments from someone new on the scene?  Worse than that, is it fair to leave up negative reactions to my post without letting readers see what I actually wrote?

"It's time for her to sit done and let the grown-ups talk," said Ms. T.

Clearly I'm not part of the in crowd.  

It's not my nature to pretend or schmooze.  Jane Austen didn't hobnob with other authors or royalty who admired her.   She spent her time with her family.

It's ironic that the plagiarizers were being accused by Ms. T of conspiring with their friends to promote each other's work.


-Elizabeth Famous