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A Signed Paperback Edition of LOVE and CANDY.


Goodreads Book Giveaway

Love and Candy by Elizabeth Famous

Love and Candy

by Elizabeth Famous

Giveaway ends November 11, 2013.

See the giveaway details at Goodreads.

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My First Book Talk EVER!

LOVE and CANDY - MEET the AUTHOR night was a once in a lifetime experience. Beforehand I was so nervous I couldn't stop pacing, but when the event got rolling I was swept away talking about Samantha and Delaney and forgot about my nerves. The reactions from the audience inspired me to speak with bubbling enthusiasm -- it's so cool to get laughs that you want more. The questions and comments from readers as we mingled afterwards were exhilarating. I felt like my work was truly appreciated. Thank you to all who came and to TO BE CONTINUED ... Bookstore in Metuchen and 2 Chicks with Chocolate for providing chocolate "CANDY" samples for guests.